Eric Appel | Wildfire Prevention | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Dr.  Stanford University, United States

Dr. Eric Andrew Appel is an accomplished chemist and materials scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge, where his research focused on supramolecular hydrogels for drug delivery. Currently an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at Stanford University, Dr. Appel leads the Appel Lab, an interdisciplinary team focused on developing bioinspired soft materials for healthcare applications. He has co-founded multiple startups to commercialize his lab’s innovations, including injectable hydrogel technology for sustained drug delivery and wildfire prevention technology. Dr. Appel has received numerous prestigious awards and honors for his contributions to biomaterials science and engineering.


Professional Profiles:


🎓 Education and Training

PhD, ChemistryUniversity of Cambridge (Jan 2013)
📜 Thesis: Cucurbit[8]uril-based Supramolecular Hydrogels: From Fundamentals to Applications in Drug DeliveryBS, Chemistry + MS, Polymers and Coating Science; Minor, Spanish – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (June 2008)
📜 MS Thesis: Discrete Biodegradable Polymer Architectures by Macromolecular Self-Assembly
📜 BS Thesis: Chemical Changes of Hydrocarbons during Natural Attenuation in Large-Scale Mesocosms

🔬 Research Interests

🌱 The Appel Lab is an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers focused on creating bioinspired soft materials to address critical healthcare challenges. By integrating concepts from supramolecular chemistry, polymer science, and biology, we develop biomaterials that harness the dynamic and responsive properties of natural systems. Our mission is to utilize these technological advancements to deepen our understanding of fundamental biological processes and to engineer advanced healthcare solutions, aiming to reduce health disparities globally.

👨‍💼 Professional Experience

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University (Mar 2016 – present)Co-Founder and Chief Technical AdvisorAppel Sauce Studios (Nov 2022 – present)
🧪 Appel Sauce Studios was established to commercialize an injectable hydrogel depot technology developed in the Appel lab at Stanford University, focusing on sustained biopharmaceutical delivery for vaccines and long-acting therapeutics across various therapeutic areas.Co-Founder and Chief Technical AdvisorSurf Bio (Jan 2021 – present)
🌊 Surf Bio was created to commercialize a copolymer excipient technology developed in the Appel lab at Stanford University, enhancing biopharmaceutical stability for next-generation protein therapeutics.Co-Founder, Executive Chairman, and Chief Technical AdvisorLaderaTECH (Oct 2018 – May 2020)
🔥 LaderaTECH focused on wildfire prevention technology and was awarded the Department of Energy’s NREL Best Venture Prize in 2020. The company was acquired by Perimeter Solutions in May 2020.Postdoctoral ResearcherDavid H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT (Feb 2013 – Feb 2016)
🧠 Advisor: Prof. Robert S. LangerPhD ResearcherMelville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, University of Cambridge (Oct 2008 – Jan 2013)
🧑‍🔬 Advisor: Prof. Oren A. SchermanResearcherAdvanced Organic Materials Division, IBM Almaden Research Center (Aug 2007 – Sept 2008)
🧪 Advisors: Dr. Robert D. Miller and Dr. James L. Hedrick

🏆 Selected Honors, Awards, and Scholarships

🏅 Fellow, American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (2024)🏆 Biomaterials Science Lectureship Award (2023)🏅 Society for Biomaterials Young Investigator Award (2023)🎉 Finalist, Falling Walls Breakthrough of the Year – Engineering & Technology (2023)🏅 IUPAC Hanwha-TotalEnergies Young Polymer Scientist Award (2022)🏆 ACS PMSE Young Investigator Symposium (Fall 2019)🎓 Delegate to the 53rd International Achievement Summit, Academy of Achievement (2019)🏆 American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award (2019 – 2022)🏅 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development Award (2018 – 2021)🏆 Hellman Faculty Scholarship (2016 – 2017)🏅 PhRMA Research Starter Award (2016 – 2017)🎓 Frederick E. Terman Faculty Fellowship (2016 – 2018)🏆 Wellcome Trust-MIT Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013 – 2017)🎓 Margaret A. Cunningham Immune Mechanisms in Cancer Research Fellowship Award (2015 – 2016)🏅 NIH National Research Service Award from the NIBIB (awarded and declined) (2013 – 2016)🏆 Jon Weaver PhD Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry (Macro Group UK) (2013)🏅 Graduate Student Award, Materials Research Society (USA) (2012)🎓 Schlumberger PhD Studentship (2008 – 2012)🏅 Doctoral Research Grant, Jesus College, Cambridge (2008 – 2012)🏅 Finalist, California State University Research Competition (2008)

Assessment for Best Researcher Award


  1. Interdisciplinary Expertise:
    Dr. Eric Andrew Appel’s research spans across multiple disciplines, including supramolecular chemistry, polymer science, and bioengineering. His work in developing bioinspired soft materials for healthcare applications demonstrates a deep understanding of the intersection between these fields, making him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.
  2. Innovative Contributions:
    Dr. Appel has co-founded several companies, such as Appel Sauce Studios, Surf Bio, and LaderaTECH, which aim to commercialize innovative technologies developed in his lab. His work on injectable hydrogel depot technology and wildfire prevention solutions showcases his ability to translate cutting-edge research into practical, impactful applications.
  3. Recognition and Awards:
    Dr. Appel has received numerous prestigious awards and fellowships, including the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering Fellowship, Biomaterials Science Lectureship Award, and the IUPAC Hanwha-TotalEnergies Young Polymer Scientist Award. These accolades highlight his outstanding contributions to the scientific community.
  4. Leadership and Mentorship:
    As an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at Stanford University, Dr. Appel has demonstrated strong leadership and a commitment to mentoring the next generation of scientists and engineers. His role in guiding and inspiring young researchers adds significant value to his candidacy.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Broader Collaborative Impact:
    While Dr. Appel has a remarkable track record in founding companies and advancing specific technologies, there could be more emphasis on broader collaborative efforts across different scientific domains. Expanding his collaborative network might enhance his influence on a wider range of research areas.
  2. Public Engagement:
    Although Dr. Appel’s work is highly respected within the academic and scientific communities, increasing his involvement in public science communication could amplify the societal impact of his research. Engaging with a broader audience through public lectures, social media, or popular science publications could further elevate his profile.
  3. Global Research Initiatives:
    Dr. Appel’s research has significant implications for global health and environmental challenges. However, there is an opportunity to engage more directly with international research initiatives and collaborations that address these issues on a global scale, potentially increasing the reach and impact of his work.


✍️Publications Top Note :

1. Saponin Nanoparticle Adjuvants Incorporating Toll-Like Receptor Agonists Drive Distinct Immune Signatures and Potent Vaccine Responses

Authors: Ou, B.S., Baillet, J., Filsinger Interrante, M.V., King, N.P., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Science Advances, 2024, 10(32), eadn7187

Abstract: This article explores the use of saponin nanoparticle adjuvants in vaccines, which incorporate Toll-like receptor agonists to drive unique immune responses, enhancing vaccine efficacy.

2. Biomimetic Non-ergodic Aging by Dynamic-to-covalent Transitions in Physical Hydrogels

Authors: Sen, S., Dong, C., D’Aquino, A.I., Yu, A.C., Appel, E.A.

Journal: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 16(25), 32599–32610

Abstract: The research discusses the development of biomimetic hydrogels that exhibit non-ergodic aging through transitions from dynamic to covalent bonding, which can be used for various biomedical applications.

3. Label-Free Composition Analysis of Supramolecular Polymer-Nanoparticle Hydrogels by Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Coupled with a Charged Aerosol Detector

Authors: Tang, S., Pederson, Z., Meany, E.L., Pellett, J.D., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96(15), 5860–5868

Abstract: This study introduces a label-free method for analyzing the composition of supramolecular polymer-nanoparticle hydrogels, using advanced chromatography techniques.

4. Nanoparticle-Conjugated Toll-Like Receptor 9 Agonists Improve the Potency, Durability, and Breadth of COVID-19 Vaccines

Authors: Ou, B.S., Baillet, J., Picece, V.C.T.M., Lopez Hernandez, H., Appel, E.A.

Journal: ACS Nano, 2024, 18(4), 3214–3233

Abstract: This article highlights the development of nanoparticle-conjugated TLR9 agonists to enhance the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, focusing on improved immune responses.

5. Sticky Gels Designed for Tissue-Healing Therapies and Diagnostics

Authors: Bailey, S.J., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Nature, 2024, 625(7995), 455–457

Abstract: This research presents sticky hydrogels engineered for use in tissue-healing therapies and diagnostics, offering a new approach to medical treatments and assessments.


Dr. Eric Andrew Appel is an exemplary researcher whose interdisciplinary expertise, innovative contributions, and leadership make him a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award. His ability to translate fundamental research into practical applications that address critical societal challenges is particularly noteworthy. While there are opportunities to enhance his global impact and public engagement, his current achievements and potential for future contributions position him as a deserving candidate for this prestigious award.

Dr. Jie Jian | Fuctional materials | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jie Jian | Fuctional materials | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jie Jian , Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Dr. Jie Jian is a distinguished PostDoc in Materials Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, specializing in photoelectrodes and photocatalysts. With expertise in nanomaterial synthesis and advanced film processing technologies, Dr. Jian has significantly contributed to the field through innovative research and optimization strategies. His academic journey includes a PhD and M.S. from NPU, focusing on BiVO4-nanocrystals and SiC ceramic composites, respectively, and a B.S. from Chongqing University. Dr. Jian has also gained industry experience as an engineer at Samsung Semiconductor. His work is characterized by a profound understanding of material characterization and software proficiency.


Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar


🌟 Technical-Scientific Skills 🌟

Mastering Preparation, Testing, and Characterization of photoelectrodes (photoanodes and photocathodes) and photocatalysts, proposing optimization strategies based on photoelectrochemical principles.Expert in Synthesis of Nanomaterials using pulsed laser irradiation in liquid and wet-chemical methods, and proficient in the design, synthesis, and functional exploration of porous materials.Film Processing Technologies: Skilled in spin coating, dip coating, chemical baths, electrodeposition, magnetron sputtering, and ALD.Material Characterization: Proficient in TEM, SEM, AFM, Raman, BET, UV-vis, XPS, XRD, FTIR.Software Proficiency: Photoshop, 3D-Max, Origin, Endnote, VESTA, Gatan, CAD, ChemDraw, Athena.

📚 Academic Education and Career 📚

PostDoc in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Hongqiang Wang
Project: In-situ Embedding Nanocrystals/Clusters in Porous Materials for Efficient Photo(electro)catalysis09/2016-03/2023
PhD in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Hongqiang Wang
Thesis Title: Laser Derived Films of BiVO4-Nanocrystals for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting04/2015-08/2016
Engineer, Samsung (China) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Xi’an, China (SCS)
Task: Process controlling and equipment monitoring during chemical vapor deposition.09/2012-03/2015
M.S. in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Laifei Cheng
Thesis Title: Strengthening and Toughening of Laminated (SiCp+SiCw)/SiC Ceramic Composites09/2008-07/2012
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University (CQU)
Supervisor: Prof. Baifeng Luan
Thesis Title: Study on deformation structure and texture of pure zirconium with large grain size rolled at liquid nitrogen temperature
GPA: 3.55/4
Ranking: 3/72

📖 Publications Top Note :

Embedding Laser-Generated Nanocrystals in BiVO4 Photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
J Jian, Y Xu, X Yang, W Liu, M Fu, H Yu, F Xu, F Feng, L Jia, D Friedrich, …
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2609 (2019)
Citations: 160

Recent Advances in Rational Engineering of Multinary Semiconductors for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation
J Jian, G Jiang, R van de Krol, B Wei, H Wang
Nano Energy 51, 457-480 (2018)
Citations: 160

Black BiVO4: Size Tailored Synthesis, Rich Oxygen Vacancies, and Sodium Storage Performance
X Xu, Y Xu, F Xu, G Jiang, J Jian, H Yu, E Zhang, D Shchukin, S Kaskel, …
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (4), 1636-1645 (2020)
Citations: 67

Porous CuBi2O4 Photocathodes with Rationally Engineered Morphology and Composition Towards High-Efficiency Photoelectrochemical Performance
Y Xu, J Jian, F Li, W Liu, L Jia, H Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (38), 21997-22004 (2019)
Citations: 61

Ordered Porous BiVO4 Based Gas Sensors with High Selectivity and Fast-Response Towards H2S
C Li, X Qiao, J Jian, F Feng, H Wang, L Jia
Chemical Engineering Journal 375, 121924 (2019)
Citations: 59

Prof Dr. Taeksoo Jang | Apllied | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Taeksoo Jang | Apllied | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Taeksoo Jang, Pusan National University, South Korea

Prof Dr. Taeksoo Jang is academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Bio systems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.


Professional Profiles:

Google scholar

📚 Education

B.S., Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering1991–1993
M.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering1993–1999
Ph.D., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean EngineeringPh.D. Thesis: Application of the inverse theory to ill-posed two-dimensional ship hydrodynamic problemsSupervisor: Hang S, Choi, Ph.D., Prof.

🛠️ Professional Experiences

JSPS Researcher, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
(JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)01/2002–09/2003
Senior Researcher, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering, Daejeon, Republic of Korea03/2006–02/2013
Vice-Director, MIT Group for High-Added Value Ships and Offshore Structures for Deep Sea Resources Exploration (BK21), Pusan National University12/2011–03/2016
Director, Arctic Engineering Research Center, The Korea Ship and Offshore Research Institute, Pusan National University10/2003–present
Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University
Dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Building 407, Room 218, 2, Busandaehak-ro 63beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea 46241
📞 +82 51 510 2789 • 📠 +82 51 581 3718 08/2013–08/2014
Visiting Professor, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK06/2017–02/2022
Division Manager, Engineering Research Center (ERC); Industrial “Mathematics” Center (NRF-2017R1A5A1015722), Pusan National University09/2019–08/2020
Visiting Professor, Deep Ocean Engineering Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO)

📜 Academic Societies

Member, The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers2002–present
Member, The Society of Naval Architects of Korea2012–2012
Associate Member, The Royal Institution Of Naval Architects2012–2015
Member, International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), Environment Committee2012–2015
Committee Chairman, The Korea Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (KSSC), Environment Committee, The Society of Naval Architecture of Korea2015–2015
Scientific Board, International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures

💼 Technical Advisory Panels and Committees

Advisory Committee, The Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust Research Centre of Excellence, Pusan National University2011–present
Advisory Committee, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering2012–2012
Local Committee, Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference

🏛️ Technical Societies

Editorial Board Member, The Open Ocean Engineering Journal2007–2015
Editorial Board Member, The Open Hydrology Journal2012–2013
Editorial Board Member, Radical Journal of Mathematical Physics2013–2014
Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Applied Mathematics2006–present
Editorial Board Member, Ships and Offshore Structures (SCIE Journal)2013–present
Editorial Board Member, Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering2017–present
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture2020–present
Editorial Board (Academic Editor), Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCIE Journal)

🏆 Prizes and Honors

Graduation with honors, The Society of Naval Architects of Korea1995
USO Six Star Honorees, United Service Organizations

💡 Interests

I’m interested in developing a mathematical method for discovering a problem arising in fluid mechanics, water waves, floating body mechanics, and their combined inverse problems (regularization techniques to remedy the ill-posedness): system identification of offshore structures.Nonlinear (ocean) system identification (inverse problems)Techniques to remedy the ill-posednessDeveloping nonlinear numerical schemes for ODE & PDEWater waves and wave mechanics

🌐 Languages

English: ExcellentJapanese: ExcellentKorean: Native language

📖 Publications Top Note :

Indirect measurement of the impulsive load to a nonlinear system from dynamic responses: inverse problem formulation

Authors: TS Jang, H Baek, SL Han, T Kinoshita

Journal: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Volume: 24 (6), Pages: 1665-1681, Year: 2010

Citations: 64

A new semi-analytical approach to large deflections of Bernoulli–Euler-v. Karman beams on a linear elastic foundation: Nonlinear analysis of infinite beams

Author: TS Jang

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

Volume: 66, Pages: 22-32, Year: 2013

Citations: 62

A new method for the non-linear deflection analysis of an infinite beam resting on a non-linear elastic foundation

Authors: TS Jang, HS Baek, JK Paik

Journal: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

Volume: 46 (1), Pages: 339-346, Year: 2011

Citations: 58

A new method for detecting non-linear damping and restoring forces in non-linear oscillation systems from transient data

Authors: TS Jang, HS Choi, SL Han

Journal: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

Volume: 44 (7), Pages: 801-808, Year: 2009

Citations: 44

Evaluation of the added mass for a spheroid-type unmanned underwater vehicle by vertical planar motion mechanism test

Authors: SK Lee, TH Joung, SJ Cheo, TS Jang, JH Lee

Journal: International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Volume: 3 (3), Pages: 174-180, Year: 2011

Citations: 43

Non-parametric simultaneous identification of both the nonlinear damping and restoring characteristics of nonlinear systems whose dampings depend on velocity alone

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Volume: 25 (4), Pages: 1159-1173, Year: 2011

Citations: 36

Recovering the functional form of the nonlinear roll damping of ships from a free-roll decay experiment: An inverse formulism

Authors: TS Jang, SH Kwon, JH Lee

Journal: Ocean Engineering

Volume: 37 (14-15), Pages: 1337-1344, Year: 2010

Citations: 36

A new dispersion-relation preserving method for integrating the classical Boussinesq equation

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Volume: 43, Pages: 118-138, Year: 2017

Citations: 35

A general method for analyzing moderately large deflections of a non-uniform beam: an infinite Bernoulli–Euler–von Kármán beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Acta Mechanica

Volume: 225, Pages: 1967-1984, Year: 2014

Citations: 35

An efficient numerical scheme for analyzing bioconvection in von-Kármán flow of third-grade nanofluid with motile microorganisms

Authors: MZ Ullah, TS Jang

Journal: Alexandria Engineering Journal

Volume: 59 (4), Pages: 2739-2752, Year: 2020

Citations: 31

A new solution procedure for the nonlinear telegraph equation

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Volume: 29 (1-3), Pages: 307-326, Year: 2015

Citations: 31

A method for simultaneous identification of the full nonlinear damping and the phase shift and amplitude of the external harmonic excitation in a forced nonlinear oscillator

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Computers & Structures

Volume: 120, Pages: 77-85, Year: 2013

Citations: 30

A new method for measuring nonharmonic periodic excitation forces in nonlinear damped systems

Authors: TS Jang, H Baek, HS Choi, SG Lee

Journal: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Volume: 25 (6), Pages: 2219-2228, Year: 2011

Citations: 28

Inverse determination of the loading source of the infinite beam on elastic foundation

Authors: TS Jang, HG Sung, SL Han, SH Kwon

Journal: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

Volume: 22, Pages: 2350-2356, Year: 2008

Citations: 28

Numerical experiments on an ill-posed inverse problem for a given velocity around a hydrofoil by iterative and noniterative regularizations

Authors: TS Jang, HS Choi, T Kinoshita

Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Volume: 5, Pages: 107-111, Year: 2000

Citations: 27

Solution of an unstable inverse problem: wave source evaluation from observation of velocity distribution

Authors: TS Jang, HS Choi, T Kinoshita

Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Volume: 5, Pages: 181-188, Year: 2000

Citations: 25

An ill-posed inverse problem of a wing with locally given velocity data and its analysis

Authors: TS Jang, T Kinoshita

Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Technology

Volume: 5, Pages: 16-20, Year: 2000

Citations: 24

A new semi-analytical method for the non-linear static analysis of an infinite beam on a non-linear elastic foundation: a general approach to a variable beam cross-section

Authors: TS Jang, HG Sung

Journal: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

Volume: 47 (4), Pages: 132-139, Year: 2012

Citations: 22

Solution of an unstable axisymmetric Cauchy–Poisson problem of dispersive water waves for a spectrum with compact support

Authors: TS Jang, SH Kwon, BJ Kim

Journal: Ocean Engineering

Volume: 34 (5-6), Pages: 676-684, Year: 2007

Citations: 20

An integral equation formalism for solving the nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation

Author: TS Jang

Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation

Volume: 243, Pages: 322-338, Year: 2014

Citations: 19

Dr. Yongyue Wei | based Medicine | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yongyue Wei | based Medicine | Best Researcher Award 

Dr. Yongyue Wei , Peking University, China

Dr. Yongyue Wei is academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Bio systems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.

Professional Profiles:


Google scholar


🎓 Education

Bachelor’s Degree: Yanbian University (2014-2019)MD: Yanbian University (2020-2022)PhD: Yanbian University (2022-present)

💼 Professional Experiences

No Professional Experience Listed🏅 Honors and Awards2024: Best Moderated Poster Presentation Award, Korean Society of CardioMetabolic Syndrome, Asia-Pacific CardioMetabolic Syndrome Congress

🔬 Major Research Interests

Pulmonary Hypertension 🌬️Chronic Stress-Related Diseases 😰Nutrition 🍎Atherosclerosis & Vascular Biology 💓

📖 Publications Top Note :

Rare Variants of Large Effect in BRCA2 and CHEK2 Affect Risk of Lung Cancer
Authors: Y Wang, JD McKay, T Rafnar, Z Wang, MN Timofeeva, P Broderick, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: Nature Genetics 46 (7), 736-741, 2014
Citations: 434
Summary: This study identifies significant rare genetic variants in BRCA2 and CHEK2 that substantially increase the risk of lung cancer, highlighting critical pathways for targeted therapies.

Development and Validation of an Immune Gene-Set Based Prognostic Signature in Ovarian Cancer
Authors: S Shen, G Wang, R Zhang, Y Zhao, H Yu, Y Wei, F Chen
Journal: EBioMedicine 40, 318-326, 2019
Citations: 214
Summary: The research develops a prognostic signature based on immune gene sets, providing a robust tool for predicting ovarian cancer outcomes and personalizing treatment strategies.

Comparison of the Prevalence and Changing Resistance to Nalidixic Acid and Ciprofloxacin of Shigella between Europe–America and Asia–Africa from 1998 to 2009
Authors: B Gu, Y Cao, S Pan, L Zhuang, R Yu, Z Peng, H Qian, Y Wei, L Zhao, et al.
Journal: International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 40 (1), 9-17, 2012
Citations: 185
Summary: This comparative study examines the resistance patterns of Shigella to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin across different continents, shedding light on global antimicrobial resistance trends.

Randomized Trial of Left Bundle Branch vs Biventricular Pacing for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Authors: Y Wang, H Zhu, X Hou, Z Wang, F Zou, Z Qian, Y Wei, X Wang, L Zhang, et al.
Journal: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 80 (13), 1205-1216, 2022
Citations: 157
Summary: This clinical trial compares the efficacy of left bundle branch pacing with biventricular pacing in cardiac resynchronization therapy, offering new insights for treatment optimization.

Risk Factors and Long-Term Health Consequences of Macrosomia: A Prospective Study in Jiangsu Province, China
Authors: S Gu, X An, L Fang, X Zhang, C Zhang, J Wang, Q Liu, Y Zhang, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: Journal of Biomedical Research 26 (4), 235-240, 2012
Citations: 126
Summary: This prospective study investigates the risk factors for macrosomia and its long-term health impacts, providing valuable data for preventive healthcare strategies.

Cross-Cancer Genome-Wide Analysis of Lung, Ovary, Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer Reveals Novel Pleiotropic Associations
Authors: G Fehringer, P Kraft, PD Pharoah, RA Eeles, N Chatterjee, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: Cancer Research 76 (17), 5103-5114, 2016
Citations: 117
Summary: A genome-wide analysis identifying pleiotropic genetic associations across multiple cancer types, enhancing understanding of common pathways in carcinogenesis.

Gene Control of Tyrosine Kinase TIE2 and Vascular Manifestations of Infections
Authors: CC Ghosh, S David, R Zhang, A Berghelli, K Milam, SJ Higgins, J Hunter, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (9), 2472-2477, 2016
Citations: 104
Summary: The study explores the role of TIE2 in vascular responses to infections, providing insights into the mechanisms of vascular diseases and potential therapeutic targets.

Thrombocytopenia Is Associated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Mortality: An International Study
Authors: T Wang, Z Liu, Z Wang, M Duan, G Li, S Wang, W Li, Z Zhu, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: PLoS One 9 (4), e94124, 2014
Citations: 83
Summary: This international study links thrombocytopenia with higher mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), emphasizing the importance of platelet count monitoring.

Associated Links Among Smoking, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Pooled Analysis in the International Lung Cancer Consortium
Authors: R Huang, Y Wei, RJ Hung, G Liu, L Su, R Zhang, X Zong, ZF Zhang, et al.
Journal: EBioMedicine 2 (11), 1677-1685, 2015
Citations: 72
Summary: This pooled analysis investigates the associations between smoking, COPD, and small cell lung cancer, underscoring the interconnected risk factors in lung cancer development.

Comprehensive Analyses of m6A Regulators and Interactive Coding and Non-Coding RNAs Across 32 Cancer Types
Authors: S Shen, R Zhang, Y Jiang, Y Li, L Lin, Z Liu, Y Zhao, H Shen, Z Hu, Y Wei, et al.
Journal: Molecular Cancer 20, 1-6, 2021
Citations: 69
Summary: This study comprehensively analyzes m6A regulators and their interactions with coding and non-coding RNAs across multiple cancer types, providing a deeper understanding of epigenetic regulation in cancer.

Dr. Mariyam Sattar | Solid Mechanics | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mariyam Sattar | Solid Mechanics | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mariyam Sattar, nstitute of Space Technology, Pakistan

Dr. Mariyam Sattar is academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Bio systems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.


Professional Profiles:


Google scholar 


Computational Analysis of Multi-Fuel Micro-Gas Turbine Annular Combustion Chamber

Authors: AA Sher, N Ahmad, M Sattar, P Phelan, A Lin

Journal: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Year: 2024

Details: This paper presents a computational analysis focused on the performance and efficiency of an annular combustion chamber designed for multi-fuel micro-gas turbines.

Characterization and Toxicology of Microplastics in Soils, Water and Air

Authors: T Mehmood, L Peng, M Ejaz, M Shaz, MA Hassan, M Sattar, S Bibi

Book: Microplastic Occurrence, Fate, Impact, and Remediation

Year: 2023

Pages: 23-63

Details: The study explores the presence and toxicological effects of microplastics across various environmental mediums including soil, water, and air.

Thermal Management of Microelectronic Devices Using Nanofluid with Metal Foam Heat Sink

Authors: MT Tahir, S Anwar, N Ahmad, M Sattar, UW Qazi, U Ghafoor, MR Bhutta

Journal: Micromachines

Volume: 14, Issue 7, Article 1475

Year: 2023

Details: This research investigates the efficacy of nanofluid and metal foam heat sinks in improving the thermal management of microelectronic devices.

Solar Array Drive Assembly Disturbance Modeling, Jitter Analysis and Validation Tests for Precision Space-Based Operations

Authors: M Sattar, M Alzaid, NUR Junejo, RA Malik, M Tanveer, M Latif

Journal: Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies

Volume: 11, Issue 5, Pages 2069-2080

Year: 2023

Details: The paper focuses on the disturbance modeling and jitter analysis for solar array drive assemblies, aiming to enhance the precision of space-based operations.

Effect of Various Dusts and Humidity on the Performance of Renewable Energy Modules

Authors: AA Sher, N Ahmad, M Sattar, U Ghafoor, UH Shah

Journal: Energies

Volume: 16, Issue 13, Article 4857

Year: 2023

Details: This study evaluates how different types of dust and varying humidity levels affect the efficiency and performance of renewable energy modules.

A Survey on Physical Layer Techniques and Challenges in Underwater Communication Systems

Authors: NUR Junejo, M Sattar, S Adnan, H Sun, ABM Adam, A Hassan, H Esmaiel

Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

Volume: 11, Issue 4, Article 885

Year: 2023

Details: This paper surveys the physical layer techniques and identifies key challenges in underwater communication systems, providing insights into current solutions and future research directions.

Cell Alternation Algorithm for Simulating Bubble Growth in Boiling Flows through Volume of Fluid (VOF) Method in Fluent

Authors: ZA Khan, N Ahmad, M Sattar, MA Haq, I Khan, AH Ganie

Journal: Alexandria Engineering Journal

Volume: 61, Issue 12, Pages 13051-13066

Year: 2022

Details: The paper presents a cell alternation algorithm to simulate bubble growth in boiling flows using the VOF method in Fluent, contributing to the understanding of phase change processes.

An Innovative Thermal Protective Clothing System for Firefighters

Authors: G Santos, F Marques, J Ribeiro, A Fonseca, JM Miranda, J Campos, …

Conference: 14th Joint International Conference Clotech2022

Year: 2022

Details: This study introduces a novel thermal protective clothing system designed to enhance the safety and comfort of firefighters during extreme thermal conditions.

Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Cooling System for Hybrid Solar Panels Based on Climatic Conditions of Islamabad, Pakistan

Authors: M Sattar, A Rehman, N Ahmad, AS Mohammad, AA Al Ahmadi, N Ullah

Journal: Energies

Volume: 15, Issue 17, Article 6278

Year: 2022

Details: The research focuses on optimizing a cooling system for hybrid solar panels tailored to the climatic conditions of Islamabad, improving their efficiency and lifespan.

Sea Experimental for Compressive Sensing-Based Sparse Channel Estimation of Underwater Acoustic TDS-OFDM System

Authors: NUR Junejo, H Esmaiel, M Sattar, H Sun, MA Khalil, I Ullah

Journal: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

Year: 2022

Details: This paper describes experimental results on sparse channel estimation for underwater acoustic communication systems using compressive sensing and TDS-OFDM techniques.

Inter-Organizational Cloud Computing and Robust Scalability in Current Scenario and Beyond

Authors: A Khan, A Junejo, M Naeem, M Sattar, AH Malik

Journal: Automatic Control and Computer Sciences

Volume: 56, Issue 1, Pages 26-37

Year: 2022

Details: The study examines the scalability and robustness of inter-organizational cloud computing, considering current and future technological scenarios.

Highly Stretchable Durable Electro-Thermal Conductive Yarns Made by Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes

Authors: A Ali, M Sattar, T Riaz, BA Khan, M Awais, J Militky, MT Noman

Journal: The Journal of the Textile Institute

Volume: 113, Issue 1, Pages 80-89

Year: 2022

Details: This research presents the development of highly stretchable and durable electro-thermal conductive yarns through the deposition of carbon nanotubes, with applications in smart textiles.

Generalized Contraction Theorems Approach to Fuzzy Differential Equations in Fuzzy Metric Spaces

Authors: I Shamas, SU Rehman, T Abdeljawad, M Sattar, SU Khan, N Mlaiki

Journal: AIMS Math

Volume: 7, Pages 11243-11275

Year: 2022

Details: The paper proposes generalized contraction theorems for solving fuzzy differential equations in fuzzy metric spaces, contributing to the field of fuzzy mathematics.

Detrital Zircon Provenance of the Cenozoic Sequence, Kotli, Northwestern Himalaya, Pakistan; Implications for India–Asia Collision

Authors: M Awais, M Qasim, JI Tanoli, L Ding, M Sattar, MS Baig, S Pervaiz

Journal: Minerals

Volume: 11, Issue 12, Article 1399

Year: 2021

Details: This geological study investigates the provenance of detrital zircon in the Cenozoic sequence of Kotli, offering insights into the India-Asia collision and its tectonic implications.

Integrated Provenance and Tectonic Implications of the Cretaceous–Palaeocene Clastic Sequence, Changla Gali, Lesser Himalaya, Pakistan

Authors: M Qasim, J Ahmad, L Ding, JI Tanoli, M Sattar, QU Rehman, M Awais, …

Journal: Geological Journal

Volume: 56, Issue 9, Pages 4747-4759

Year: 2021

Details: The study integrates provenance and tectonic analysis of the Cretaceous-Palaeocene clastic sequence in Changla Gali, enhancing the understanding of the region’s geological history.

Single-Step Green Synthesis of Highly Concentrated and Stable Colloidal Dispersion of Core-Shell Silver Nanoparticles and Their Antimicrobial and Ultra-High Catalytic Properties

Authors: A Ali, M Sattar, F Hussain, MHK Tareen, J Militky, MT Noman

Journal: Nanomaterials

Volume: 11, Issue 4, Article 1007

Year: 2021

Details: This research demonstrates a green synthesis method for producing core-shell silver nanoparticles with remarkable antimicrobial and catalytic properties.

Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Mechanical Behavior of Kevlar/Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites

Authors: M Nabeel, MA Nasir, M Sattar, RA Malik, M Alzaid, MS Butt, M Saleem, …

Journal: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

Volume: 34, Pages 4613-4619

Year: 2020

Details: The paper evaluates the mechanical behavior of Kevlar/glass fiber reinforced epoxy

Prof. Vladislav Sadykov | functional nanomaterials | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Vladislav Sadykov | functional nanomaterials | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Vladislav Sadykov, Boreskov Institute of catalysis, Russia

Prof. Vladislav Sadykov is academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Bio systems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.


Professional Profiles:



Education 🎓

MS, 1973: Novosibirsk State University, RussiaPhD, 1979: Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC), NovosibirskDoctor of Sciences, 1999: Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, NovosibirskProfessor, 1999: Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk

Career/Employment 🏢

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis:Research Fellow, 1973Junior Research Scientist, 1975Senior Research Scientist, 1985Head of Laboratory, 1990-2021; Chief Research Scientist, up to dateNovosibirsk State University:Professor, 1999-up to date; Chair of Physical Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry

Current Research Interests 🔬

Heterogeneous Catalysis: Red-ox processes for energy production (including solid oxide fuel cells) and environmental protectionCatalytic Processes: Short contact times for syngas and hydrogen production from biofuelsNanophase and Nanocomposite Materials: Advanced technologies in complex oxides, pillared clays, framework silicates, nanocomposites with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity synthesisSolid State Ionics: Oxygen and hydrogen separation membranes

International Collaboration 🌍

BIC Team Leader in FP6 Projects:SOFC 600 SES6-2006-020089 “Demonstration of SOFC stack technology for operation at 600°C”STRP 033410 MatSILC “Novel Materials for Silicate-Based Fuel Cells”FP7 Project OCMOL228953: “Oxidative Coupling of Methane followed by Oligomerization to Liquids”BIOGO for Production, THEBARCODE: NATO Science for Peace Project “Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Energy Security”International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) Projects:2529 “Development of an efficient, inexpensive nanocomposite catalyst and elaboration of a flexible technology to produce syn-gas for fuel cells”3234 “Development of high-performance oxygen-conducting membranes and compact pure syngas generators on their base”Russian-French Network of Laboratories: “Fundamental bases of design of nanocomposite catalysts for transformation of biofuels into syngas and hydrogen” (Partner Lab. of Materials, Univ. Strasbourg, CNRS, Prof. A.–C. Roger), 2011-2014INTAS Projects: Collaborations with Prof. J. Ross (Ireland), Prof. E. Kemnitz (Germany), Prof. S. Neophytides (Greece), et al.

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies 🏅

Award of the Russian Federation Government in Science and Technology, 1999: Development and Industrial Application of the Two-Stage Technology of Ammonia Oxidation under Pressure in the Diluted Nitric Acid ProductionBalandin Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007: Series of works “The role of defect structure of catalysts of red-ox reactions”Koptyug Award, 2012: NAN Belarus-Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the series of works “Scientific bases of design of composite and nanostructured materials for the hydrogen energy field”Editorial Board Member:Applied Catalysis APhysics of Combustion and Flame (Russia)Open Chemistry (de Gruyter Open)Energies (MDPI)Membranes (MDPI)Professional Society Membership:American Chemical SocietyMaterials Research Society (USA)Mendeleev Chemical Society (Russia)

Title: Approaches to the design of efficient and stable catalysts for biofuel reforming into syngas: doping the mesoporous MgAl2O4 support with transition metal cations

Journal: Dalton Transactions

Year: 2023

Contributors: Vladislav A. Sadykov, Nikita F. Eremeev, Ekaterina Sadovskaya, Julia E. Fedorova, Marina V. Arapova, Ludmilla N. Bobrova, Arkady V. Ishchenko, Tamara A. Krieger, Maksim S. Melgunov, Tatyana S. Glazneva, et al.

DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00830D

Title: Design of Mixed Ionic-Electronic Materials for Permselective Membranes and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Their Oxygen and Hydrogen Mobility

Journal: Membranes

Year: 2023-07-27

Contributors: Vladislav Sadykov, Elena Pikalova, Ekaterina Sadovskaya, Anna Shlyakhtina, Elena Filonova, Nikita Eremeev

DOI: 10.3390/membranes13080698

Title: Methane Dry Reforming Catalysts Based on Pr-Doped Ceria–Zirconia Synthesized in Supercritical Propanol

Journal: Energies

Year: 2023-06-15

Contributors: Marina Arapova, Ekaterina Smal, Yuliya Bespalko, Konstantin Valeev, Valeria Fedorova, Amir Hassan, Olga Bulavchenko, Vladislav Sadykov, Mikhail Simonov

DOI: 10.3390/en16124729

Title: Synthesis and Oxygen Mobility of Bismuth Cerates and Titanates with Pyrochlore Structure

Journal: Membranes

Year: 2023-06-13

Contributors: Yuliya Bespalko, Nikita Eremeev, Ekaterina Sadovskaya, Tamara Krieger, Olga Bulavchenko, Evgenii Suprun, Mikhail Mikhailenko, Mikhail Korobeynikov, Vladislav Sadykov

DOI: 10.3390/membranes13060598

Title: Dry Reforming of Methane over 5%Ni/Ce1-xTixO2 Catalysts Obtained via Synthesis in Supercritical Isopropanol

Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Year: 2023-06-02

Contributors: Ekaterina Smal, Yulia Bespalko, Marina Arapova, Valeria Fedorova, Konstantin Valeev, Nikita Eremeev, Ekaterina Sadovskaya, Tamara Krieger, Tatiana Glazneva, Vladislav Sadykov, et al.

DOI: 10.3390/ijms24119680

Title: Ethanol Dry Reforming over Bimetallic Ni‐Containing Catalysts Based on Ceria‐Zirconia for Hydrogen Production

Journal: ChemCatChem

Year: 2023-05-19

Contributors: Valeria Fedorova, Yulia Bespalko, Marina Arapova, Ekaterina Smal, Konstantin Valeev, Igor Prosvirin, Vladislav Sadykov, Ksenia Parkhomenko, Anne‐Cécile Roger, Mikhail Simonov

DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202201491

Title: Methane Dry Reforming Catalysts Based on Pr-doped Ceria-Zirconia Synthesized in Supercritical Propanol

Journal: Preprint

Year: 2023-05-09

Contributors: Marina Arapova, Ekaterina Smal, Yuliya Bespalko, Konstantin Valeev, Valeria Fedorova, Amir Hassan, Olga Bulavchenko, Vladislav Sadykov, Mikhail Simonov

DOI: 10.20944/preprints202305.0617.v1

Title: Advances in Hydrogen and Syngas Generation

Journal: Energies

Year: 2023-03-29

Contributors: Vladislav Sadykov

DOI: 10.3390/en16073127

Title: Structural and transport properties of Nd tungstates and their composites with Ni0.5Cu0.5O obtained by mechanical activation

Journal: Dalton Transactions

Year: 2022

Contributors: Nikita F. Eremeev, Yuliya N. Bespalko, Ekaterina M. Sadovskaya, Pavel I. Skriabin, Tamara A. Krieger, Arcady V. Ishchenko, Vladislav A. Sadykov

DOI: 10.1039/D2DT00498D

Title: Ni and Ni–Co Catalysts Based on Mixed Ce–Zr Oxides Synthesized in Isopropanol Medium for Dry Reforming of Methane

Journal: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Year: 2022-12

Contributors: Yu. N. Bespalko, V. E. Fedorova, E. A. Smal, M. V. Arapova, K. R. Valeev, T. A. Krieger, A. V. Ishchenko, V. A. Sadykov, M. N. Simonov

DOI: 10.1134/S1990793122080048

Title: Efficient Catalysts of Ethanol Steam Reforming Based on Perovskite-Fluorite Nanocomposites with Supported Ni: Effect of the Synthesis Methods on the Activity and Stability

Journal: Catalysts

Year: 2022-10

Contributors: Marina Arapova, Symbat Naurzkulova, Tamara Krieger, Vladimir Rogov, Vladislav Sadykov

DOI: 10.3390/catal12101151