Hakki Goker Onen | Political Economy | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Hakki Goker Onen | Political Economy | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Ondokuzmayıs University, Turkey

Hakkı Göker Önen, an Associate Professor born on 30.11.1983, holds a PhD from the University of Bath. He is currently affiliated with Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University. Önen’s academic journey includes a BA in Political Science and International Relations from Yeditepe University and a postgraduate degree in European Union studies from Galatasaray University. His research focuses on civil-military relations, military culture, and secularism in Turkey. Önen has published books, numerous articles in reputable journals, and contributed to book chapters. He has also presented at international conferences and edited symposium proceedings. His notable works include studies on Turkish military culture and the impact of the state of emergency on military prowess.


Professional Profiles:

🎓 Education

📜 PhD: University of Bath, Politics, Languages, and International Studies (2012-2016)
Thesis: Crossing Identities and the Turkish Military: Revolutionists, Guardians, and Depoliticals📘 Post-Graduation: Galatasaray University, European Union (2008-2010)🎓 Graduation: Yeditepe University, Political Science and International Relations (2002-2006)

📝 Conference Papers

Egyptian Military Culture and Civil-Military Relations in Egypt’, İstanbul Gelişim Ünivesitesi IV. Uluslararası Orta Doğu Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, İGÜ Yayınları, 2018. ‘Mahmoud Muhammad Taha and His Legacy of the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’, V. Uluslararası Orta Doğu Sempozyumu: Orta Doğu’da Tarih ve Kimliği Yeniden Okumak, İGÜ Yayınları, 2019. ‘Reconsidering Turkish Military Culture and Secularism after the Coup Attempt’, Open Democracy, 4.04.2017Hakkı Göker Önen and David Galbreath, ‘Turkey’s Democracy Crisis’, International Policy Digest, 04.25.2017.

📚 Book Chapters

‘Finansal Krizlerin Siyasal Etkileri’, Multi Disipliner Yaklaşımla Kriz Olgusu Cilt: 1, Genel Dağıtım Akademisyen Kitabevi A.Ş. 2019, s.169-185.‘Necip Asım Yazıksız: Hayatı ve Türk Milliyetçiliğine Etkisi’, Türk Milliyetçiliğinden Portreler, A Kitap, 2019.‘Türk Siyasal Kültüründe

Hakkı Göker Önen: A Suitable Candidate for the Best Researcher Award

Strengths for the Award

1. Extensive Academic Background and Research Experience: Hakkı Göker Önen has a solid academic foundation with degrees from prestigious institutions. His PhD research at the University of Bath is a notable contribution to the field of political science and international studies. His thesis on Turkish military culture and political dynamics demonstrates his deep understanding and expertise in these areas.

2. Significant Publications: Önen has authored several books and numerous articles in respected journals. His works, such as “Crossing Identities and the Turkish Military” and “1908-1983 Arası Dönemde Türkiye’de Askeri Kültür ve Laiklik İlişkisi,” are critical contributions to the understanding of military culture and secularism in Turkey. His research is published in high-impact journals, further cementing his reputation as a leading scholar in his field.

3. Diverse Research Interests: His research spans various aspects of political science, including civil-military relations, the impact of military culture on political structures, and the intersection of secularism and military influence in Turkey. This diversity showcases his ability to tackle complex and multifaceted issues.

4. Recognition and Impact: His works have been cited extensively, indicating their influence and importance in the academic community. The breadth and depth of his research have significantly contributed to contemporary discussions on political and military dynamics in Turkey and beyond.

5. Active Participation in Conferences and Symposiums: Önen has presented his research at numerous national and international conferences, such as the Politics and International Relations Congress and the International Middle East Symposium. His active engagement in these platforms highlights his commitment to academic discourse and knowledge dissemination.

Areas for Improvement

1. Expanding Research Beyond Turkey: While Önen’s focus on Turkey is commendable, broadening his research to include comparative studies with other regions could enhance the global applicability of his findings. This expansion could offer new perspectives and increase the impact of his work on a broader scale.

2. Increased Collaboration: Engaging in more collaborative research projects with international scholars could bring diverse insights into his work. Collaborations often lead to innovative approaches and a richer understanding of complex issues.

3. Further Development of Quantitative Methods: Incorporating more quantitative research methods could complement his qualitative analyses, providing a more robust and comprehensive approach to his studies. This balance can enhance the credibility and generalizability of his research findings.


Hakkı Göker Önen’s extensive academic background, significant contributions to the field of political science, and active participation in scholarly discourse make him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His work has provided valuable insights into the relationship between military culture and political structures, particularly in the context of Turkey. By expanding his research scope and engaging in more collaborative and quantitative studies, he can further elevate his already impressive academic profile. Given his achievements and potential for future contributions, Önen is well-suited to receive recognition as a leading researcher in his field.

✍️Publications Top Note :

Crossing Identities and the Turkish Military

Author: Hakkı Göker Önen

Publisher: BWV Berliner-Wissenchaft, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-8305-5027-3

1908-1983 Arası Dönemde Türkiye’de Askeri Kültür ve Laiklik İlişkisi

Author: Hakkı Göker Önen

Publisher: Kriter, 2020

ISBN: 978-625-7130-83-7

Ten Critical Years of Turkish Civil–Military Relations (2007–2017)

Author: Hakkı Göker Önen

Journal: Journal of Public Affairs, 2022, 22(S1), e2738

Related documents: Link This link is disabled.

Citations: 1

Atatürk and Military Culture: What Atatürk Says About War, Soldiering, and Civil-Military Relations?

Author: Hakkı Göker Önen

Journal: Journal of Public Affairs, 2022, 22(3), e2491

Related documents: his link is disabled.

Citations: 1

Confidence Kalu | Climate Smart Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Confidence Kalu | Climate Smart Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Dr. National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike Abia State, Nigeria

Dr. Confidence Amaechi Kalu is a Chief Research Fellow at the National Root Crops Research Institute in Umudike, Nigeria, with a PhD in Agribusiness and Financial Management. Her research focuses on agricultural economics, with experience ranging from graduate internships to postdoctoral research. She has participated in numerous professional training programs and leadership courses, including Women in Leadership Training funded by Australian Awards Africa and project management by HiiT Plc Lagos. Dr. Kalu has received significant research grants, such as the Australian awards grant on Agribusiness value chain and the World Bank Step B Project Grant for her PhD dissertation. She is dedicated to advancing agricultural research and education.

Professional Profiles:




Doctoral Degree
PhD in Agribusiness and Financial Management 16/10/2015 Department of Agribusiness and Management, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria

Master’s Degree
MSc in Farm Management and Production Economics 12/8/2008 Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria

Bachelor’s Degree
BSc (Honors) in Agricultural Economics and Extension 28/11/2002 Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

Secondary School
Senior School Certificate 2/9/1996 Community Secondary School Ohanze, Abia State, Nigeria

Primary School
First School Leaving Certificate 20/6/1989 Mosque Street Girls Primary School, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria


Aug – Dec 2001: Graduate Internship, University Farm, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Sept 2003-Aug 2004: National Youth Service Corps, Agricultural Science Teacher, Unity Secondary School Gwaram, Jigawa State Feb 2005-Mar 2006: Agricultural Officer, CAE Farms Nigeria Limited 2007-2010: Assistant Lecturer, Proof Management College, Eket, Akwa Ibom State. 2010-2015: PhD Research Fellow, Department of Agribusiness, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike 2016-date: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria


LEADERSHIP TRAININGWomen in Leadership Training funded by Australian Awards Africa (September 24-27, 2019)Project Management and Leadership Training Course organized by HiiT Plc Lagos (August 26 – October 2022) PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES

Grant Writing Proposal Training organized by Agricultural Policy Research Network in Delta State University Asaba, Nigeria (July 2-4, 2017) Rapid Value Chain Analysis Training sponsored by Australia Awards Africa held in Ghana (October 2017) Training on Econometric Analysis with RATS and EVIEWS held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria (June and July 2018) Workshop on the Use of LSMS Data held in Nairobi, Kenya (August 2019) Training on Survey Data Analysis using STATA held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, sponsored by Feed the Future Nigeria Agriculture Policy Activity (July 3-7, 2023) Online Programming Course on Python (July – August 2020) Impact Evaluation Retooling Workshop for Researchers and Teaching Faculty from Sub-Saharan Africa organized by African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) in Nairobi (July 5-11, 2023)


Australian Awards Grant on Agribusiness Value Chain held in Queensland University Brisbane (16th August – 2nd October 2017) World Bank Step B Project Grant for PhD Dissertation (October 2014 – August 2015)

✍️Publications Top Note :

Article: A Comparison of the Drying Kinetics, Energy Consumption and Colour Quality of Drying Medicinal Leaves in Direct-Solar Dryer with Different Colours of Collector Cover

Authors: Ndukwu, M.C., Akpan, G., Okeahialam, A.N., … Mbanasor, J., Wu, H.
Journal: Renewable Energy, 2023, Vol. 216, Article 119076
Citations: 3

Article: Heat Transfer Correlations and Pressure Drop Dynamics of Palm Fibre Wetting Media for Evaporative Cooling at Different Air Flow Rates

Authors: Ndukwu, M.C., Matthew, I., Godwin, A., … Mbanasor, J., Wu, H.
Journal: International Journal of Refrigeration, 2023, Vol. 154, pp. 268–280
Citations: 0

Review: Progressive Review of Solar Drying Studies of Agricultural Products with Exergoeconomics and Econo-Market Participation Aspect

Authors: Ndukwu, M.C., Ibeh, M., Okon, B.B., … Mbanasor, J., Bennamoun, L.
Journal: Cleaner Environmental Systems, 2023, Vol. 9, Article 100120
Citations: 5

Article: Analysis of the Influence of Outdoor Surface Heat Flux on the Inlet Water and the Exhaust Air Temperature of the Wetting Pad of a Direct Evaporative Cooling System

Authors: Ndukwu, M.C., Ibeh, M.I., Akpan, G.E., … Ben, A.E., Mbanasor, J.
Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, Vol. 226, Article 120292
Citations: 5

Article: Farmers’ Perspective toward a Demand-Led Yam Breeding in Nigeria

Authors: Kalu, C., Nnabue, I., Edemodu, A., … Asfaw, A., Obidiegwu, J.E.
Journal: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, Vol. 7, Article 1227920
Citations: 1

Article: Quality Attributes of Fufu in South-East Nigeria: Guide for Cassava Breeders

Authors: Chijioke, U., Madu, T., Okoye, B., … Fliedel, G., Egesi, C.
Journal: International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 56(3), pp. 1247–1257
Citations: More details