Accepted internal proposal for Beam time run September-October/2022 (1 month) Surface structure and chemical composition study of Nb for quantum materials applications: 3D and 2D resonators Author(s): A. Cano, D. Bafia, Z. Sung, M. Martinello, S. Posen, A. Romanenko, A. Grassellino and J. R. Zuazo European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Spline Spanish beam-station, ESRF, France Contact: Beam-scientist PhD Juan R. Zuazo, Beam-scientist PhD German Castro Accepted proposal for Beam time run November/2021 (2 year)
Electronic and structural changes in Nb SRF material under cryogenic conditions through combined HAXPES/GIXRD data Author(s): A. Cano, Z. Sung, D. Bafia, T. Spina, M. Martinello, S. Posen, A. Grassellino, A. Romanenko European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Spline Spanish beam-station, ESRF, France Contact: Beam-scientist PhD Juan R. Zuazo, Beam-scientist PhD German Castro Accepted proposal for Beam time run Feb/2021(1 year)
Tracing microstructural changes in SRF Nb-matrix under cooling/heating cycles through HighResolution XRD powder patterns analysis Author(s): A. Cano, D. Bafia, J. Lee, Z. Sung, M. Martinello, A. Romanenko Advanced Photon Source-Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA Contact: Beam-scientist Jennia Karapetrova
Research Experience:
- Postdoctoral Research Associate Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 06/2019-Present Batavia, IL, USA Applied Physics and Superconducting Division (APS/TD) -Research Project: Surface structure and chemical composition of the near-surface of SRF cavities based on Nb and Nb3Sn Superconducting Quantum Materials and System Center (SQMS) -Research Project: Unraveling the local surface structure in 2D and 3D Nb superconducting resonators and examining its potential impact on TLS losses Supervisors: Senior Scientist Alexander Romanenko (, PhD Martina Martinello (, Senior Scientist Grigory Eremeev ( and PhD. Akshay Murthy ( -Design of multi-technique surface analysis platform based on X-ray photoelectron spectrometer with HeL manipulator. Supervisors:Senior Researcher Anna Grasellino (, Senior Scientist Alexander Romanenko (, PhD Mattia Checchin ( User facilities/Postdoctoral Research Associate European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities 11/2021-10/2022 Grenoble, France Spline Spanish Beamline -Research Project: Surface structure study of Nb for quantum materials applications: 3D and 2D resonators Supervisors: Senior Scientist Alexander Romanenko (, Beam-scientist PhD Juan R. Zuazo (, PhD Martina Martinello (, Senior Scientist Grigory Eremeev ( User facilities/Postdoctoral Research Associate Advanced Photon Source-Argonne National Laboratory 11/2020-11/2021 Lemont, IL, USA 33-BM-C -Research Project: Tracing microstructural changes in SRF Nb-matrix upon cooling/heating cycles by cryo-GI-XRD Supervisors: Senior Scientist Alexander Romanenko (, Beam-scientist M. Sc. Evguenia Karapetrova (, PhD Martina Martinello (, PhD Tiziana Spina ( User facilities/ Postdoctoral Research Associate Northwestern University 07/2019-Present Evanston, IL, USA NU Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center (NUANCE) -Research Project: Chemical composition mapping of the inner surface of SRF cavities cutouts using Electron Spectroscopies and Microscopy Supervisors:Senior Researcher Anna Grasellino (, PhD Martina Martinello ( and PhD Xinqi Chen ( Integrated Molecular Structure Education and Research Center (IMSERC) -Research Project: Evaluation of the Surface structure of Nb cavities cutouts processed with state-of-the-art RF surface treatments using X-ray diffraction techniques and TG-MS Supervisors: PhD Martina Martinello ( and Senior Scientist Christos Malliakas ( User facilities/ Postdoctoral Research Associate Minnesota University 07/2021-Present Minnesota, MN, USA XPS instrument, Characterization facility, CharFac -Research Project: Thermal evolution of the native oxide layer on Nb3Sn-coated Nb SRF grade. An In-situ angular XPS study Contact: PhD Bing Luo (, Senior Scientist Grigory Eremeev ( Senior Scientist Sam Posen ( Invited Researcher Research Center for Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology, National Polytechnic Institute 01/2019-06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico National Laboratory in Energy Conversion and Storage, LNCAE -Research collaboration: Mentoring of undergraduate/graduate thesis and Electron spectroscopy (XPS) trainings Contact: Scientist Emeritus Edilso F. Reguera Ruiz ( Visiting Researcher Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 02/2016-07/2016 Debrecen, Hungary Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy and Materials Science -Research Project: XPS study of Coordination Chemistry at the Nanoparticles Surface Contact: PhD László Kövér (, PhD József Tóth ( Visiting Researcher Malaga University 09/2015-12/2015 Malaga, Spain Department of Inorganic Chemistry.Crystallography and Mineralogy -Developed project: Systematic XPS Study of Molecular Nano-porous Materials with Potential Applications in Renewable Energy Technologies Contact: Dr. Enrique Rodríguez Castellón ( Visiting Researcher Center for Nanoscience and Micro/Nanotechnologies, National Polytechnic Institute 06/2014-06/2015 Mexico City, Mexico National Laboratory of characterization of materials and nanostructures -Developed project: Advanced training in Surface Analysis using XPS spectroscopy Contact: PhD Luis Lartundo Rojas (SNI II) ( Visiting undergraduate student Research Center for Applied Chemistry, CIQA 01/2012-02/2012 Saltillo, Mexico Department of Plastic Transformation Processes -Developed project: Synthesis, characterization, and monitoring phase inversion of high impact polystyrene (HIPS). Contact: Dr. Graciela E. Morales Balado (SNI II) ( and Dr. Florentino Soriano Corral (SNI I), ( Internship undergraduate student Research Center for Applied Chemistry, CIQA 01/2011-02/2011 Saltillo, Mexico Department of organometallic materials synthesis -Developed project: Morphology control of Zn-oxides nanoparticles for automotive applications Contact: Dr. Graciela E. Morales Balado (SNI II) (, Dr. Pablo Acuna (SNI I) (
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