Comparing multiple precipitation products against in-situ observations over different climate regions of Pakistan
W. Ullah, G. Wang, G. Ali, D.F. Tawia Hagan, A.S. Bhatti, D. Lou
Remote Sensing, 11(6), 628, 2019.
Citations: 85
Evaluation of GPM-IMERG and TRMM-3B42 precipitation products over Pakistan
M. Arshad, X. Ma, J. Yin, W. Ullah, G. Ali, S. Ullah, M. Liu, M. Shahzaman, …
Atmospheric Research, 249, 105341, 2021.
Citations: 82
Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme monsoon precipitation in Pakistan during 1981–2018
W. Ullah, G. Wang, D. Lou, S. Ullah, A.S. Bhatti, S. Ullah, A. Karim, D.F.T. Hagan, …
Atmospheric Research, 253, 105489, 2021.
Citations: 81
Statistical downscaling and future scenario generation of temperatures for Pakistan Region
D.H. Kazmi, J. Li, G. Rasul, J. Tong, G. Ali, S.B. Cheema, L. Liu, M. Gemmer, …
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 120, 341-350, 2015.
Citations: 65
Evaluation and projection of precipitation in Pakistan using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 model simulations
A. Abbas, S. Ullah, W. Ullah, M. Waseem, X. Dou, C. Zhao, A. Karim, J. Zhu, …
International Journal of Climatology, 6665-6684, 2022.
Citations: 51
Spatiotemporal trends of aerosols over urban regions in Pakistan and their possible links to meteorological parameters
G. Ali, Y. Bao, W. Ullah, S. Ullah, Q. Guan, X. Liu, L. Li, Y. Lei, G. Li, J. Ma
Atmosphere, 11(3), 306, 2020.
Citations: 46
Evaluation of CMIP5 models and projected changes in temperatures over South Asia under global warming of 1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C
S. Ullah, Q. You, Y. Zhang, A.S. Bhatti, W. Ullah, D.F.T. Hagan, A. Ali, G. Ali, …
Atmospheric Research, 246, 105122, 2020.
Citations: 42
A comparison of minimum temperature trends with model projections
S.B. Cheema, G. Rasul, G. Ali, D.H. Kazmi
Pakistan Journal of Meteorology, 8(15), 39-52, 2011.
Citations: 40
Projection of precipitation extremes over South Asia from CMIP6 GCMs
A. Abbas, A.S. Bhatti, S. Ullah, W. Ullah, M. Waseem, C. Zhao, X. Dou, G. Ali
Journal of Arid Land, 15(3), 274-296, 2023.
Citations: 32
Assessing the impact of Chinese FY-3/MERSI AOD data assimilation on air quality forecasts: Sand dust events in northeast China
Y. Bao, L. Zhu, Q. Guan, Y. Guan, Q. Lu, G.P. Petropoulos, H. Che, G. Ali, …
Atmospheric Environment, 205, 78-89, 2019.
Citations: 20
The candidate possesses a robust foundation in fluid dynamics and applied mathematics, with a proven track record of academic excellence and a focus on cutting-edge research topics. Their skills in numerical analysis and experience in teaching further complement their research abilities, making them a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award. With continued focus on publishing and collaborative efforts, their potential for future contributions to the field is significant.