Academic Qualifications 🎓
Oct 2011 to Apr 2015: PhD in Civil Engineering
[University of Nottingham]Thesis: Properties and Microstructure of Pre-formed Foamed Concretes Supervisors: Dr. Nick Thom and Assoc. Prof. Andrew DawsonThe research aimed to produce foamed concrete using the preformed foam method, suitable for semi-structural or structural purposes, with good insulation and durability properties. It evaluated damage behavior, studied different mixes of foamed concrete for enhanced strength-to-weight ratio, and investigated mechanical, thermal, and permeation performance.Sep 2001 to Sep 2003: MSc in Civil Engineering [University of Anbar]Thesis title: Study of Production and Properties of Foamed ConcreteModules included Advanced Concrete Materials, Statistics, Structural Analysis, Mathematics, Hydraulic Structures, Pavement Design, Soil and Foundation Engineering, Concrete Design, Finite Elements Method.Sep 1994 to Jul 1998: BSc of Civil Engineering [University of Anbar]Modules covered Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, Materials, Concrete Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Structures, Soil Mechanics, Highway Engineering, Reinforced Engineering, Construction Management, Surveying.
Administration Experience đź’Ľ
Engineer at Engineering Consultant Bureau/University of Anbar (2002-2006).Manager of Engineering Consultant Bureau/University of Anbar (2006-2011).Dean Assistant for Scientific Affairs, College of Engineering, University of Anbar (2017-Sep.2019).Deputy Dean, College of Engineering, University of Anbar (2018-present).
Academic Experience đź“š
Research Assistant, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor at Civil Engineering Department, University of Anbar.PhD study at the University of Nottingham/UK.Teaching Experience 📖 Courses taught include Concrete Laboratory, Concrete Technology, Theory of Structures, Engineering Mechanics, Mathematics, Design of Reinforced Concrete.Research Interest 🧪 Concrete Technology, Lightweight Concrete, Admixtures, Durability, Microstructure.
Personal Skills 🌟
Lecturing/presentation skills.Interpersonal, supervision, communication skills.Organization, attention to detail.Independent, proactive, decision-making, negotiation, problem-solving.Written report, oral presentations.Technical and Professional Skills 💻Knowledge of B.S. (UK) and ASTM standards.Lab testing, data analysis, research, reporting.Concrete Technology, Lightweight Concrete.Software: ImageJ, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office.Experience in Stadd-Pro, AutoCAD, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy.Supervision 👨‍🏫 Supervised various research projects on properties, production, and use of foamed concrete.
Membership 🤝
American Concrete Institute (ACI)American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Review Work🔍
Reviewer for international journals including Construction & Building Materials, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
Citations by: All – 1087, Since 2019 – 920
h-index: All – 11, Since 2018 – 11
i10 index: All – 11, Since 2018 –11