Eric Appel | Wildfire Prevention | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Dr.  Stanford University, United States

Dr. Eric Andrew Appel is an accomplished chemist and materials scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Cambridge, where his research focused on supramolecular hydrogels for drug delivery. Currently an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at Stanford University, Dr. Appel leads the Appel Lab, an interdisciplinary team focused on developing bioinspired soft materials for healthcare applications. He has co-founded multiple startups to commercialize his lab’s innovations, including injectable hydrogel technology for sustained drug delivery and wildfire prevention technology. Dr. Appel has received numerous prestigious awards and honors for his contributions to biomaterials science and engineering.


Professional Profiles:


🎓 Education and Training

PhD, ChemistryUniversity of Cambridge (Jan 2013)
📜 Thesis: Cucurbit[8]uril-based Supramolecular Hydrogels: From Fundamentals to Applications in Drug DeliveryBS, Chemistry + MS, Polymers and Coating Science; Minor, Spanish – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (June 2008)
📜 MS Thesis: Discrete Biodegradable Polymer Architectures by Macromolecular Self-Assembly
📜 BS Thesis: Chemical Changes of Hydrocarbons during Natural Attenuation in Large-Scale Mesocosms

🔬 Research Interests

🌱 The Appel Lab is an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers focused on creating bioinspired soft materials to address critical healthcare challenges. By integrating concepts from supramolecular chemistry, polymer science, and biology, we develop biomaterials that harness the dynamic and responsive properties of natural systems. Our mission is to utilize these technological advancements to deepen our understanding of fundamental biological processes and to engineer advanced healthcare solutions, aiming to reduce health disparities globally.

👨‍💼 Professional Experience

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate StudiesDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University (Mar 2016 – present)Co-Founder and Chief Technical AdvisorAppel Sauce Studios (Nov 2022 – present)
🧪 Appel Sauce Studios was established to commercialize an injectable hydrogel depot technology developed in the Appel lab at Stanford University, focusing on sustained biopharmaceutical delivery for vaccines and long-acting therapeutics across various therapeutic areas.Co-Founder and Chief Technical AdvisorSurf Bio (Jan 2021 – present)
🌊 Surf Bio was created to commercialize a copolymer excipient technology developed in the Appel lab at Stanford University, enhancing biopharmaceutical stability for next-generation protein therapeutics.Co-Founder, Executive Chairman, and Chief Technical AdvisorLaderaTECH (Oct 2018 – May 2020)
🔥 LaderaTECH focused on wildfire prevention technology and was awarded the Department of Energy’s NREL Best Venture Prize in 2020. The company was acquired by Perimeter Solutions in May 2020.Postdoctoral ResearcherDavid H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT (Feb 2013 – Feb 2016)
🧠 Advisor: Prof. Robert S. LangerPhD ResearcherMelville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, University of Cambridge (Oct 2008 – Jan 2013)
🧑‍🔬 Advisor: Prof. Oren A. SchermanResearcherAdvanced Organic Materials Division, IBM Almaden Research Center (Aug 2007 – Sept 2008)
🧪 Advisors: Dr. Robert D. Miller and Dr. James L. Hedrick

🏆 Selected Honors, Awards, and Scholarships

🏅 Fellow, American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (2024)🏆 Biomaterials Science Lectureship Award (2023)🏅 Society for Biomaterials Young Investigator Award (2023)🎉 Finalist, Falling Walls Breakthrough of the Year – Engineering & Technology (2023)🏅 IUPAC Hanwha-TotalEnergies Young Polymer Scientist Award (2022)🏆 ACS PMSE Young Investigator Symposium (Fall 2019)🎓 Delegate to the 53rd International Achievement Summit, Academy of Achievement (2019)🏆 American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award (2019 – 2022)🏅 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development Award (2018 – 2021)🏆 Hellman Faculty Scholarship (2016 – 2017)🏅 PhRMA Research Starter Award (2016 – 2017)🎓 Frederick E. Terman Faculty Fellowship (2016 – 2018)🏆 Wellcome Trust-MIT Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013 – 2017)🎓 Margaret A. Cunningham Immune Mechanisms in Cancer Research Fellowship Award (2015 – 2016)🏅 NIH National Research Service Award from the NIBIB (awarded and declined) (2013 – 2016)🏆 Jon Weaver PhD Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry (Macro Group UK) (2013)🏅 Graduate Student Award, Materials Research Society (USA) (2012)🎓 Schlumberger PhD Studentship (2008 – 2012)🏅 Doctoral Research Grant, Jesus College, Cambridge (2008 – 2012)🏅 Finalist, California State University Research Competition (2008)

Assessment for Best Researcher Award


  1. Interdisciplinary Expertise:
    Dr. Eric Andrew Appel’s research spans across multiple disciplines, including supramolecular chemistry, polymer science, and bioengineering. His work in developing bioinspired soft materials for healthcare applications demonstrates a deep understanding of the intersection between these fields, making him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.
  2. Innovative Contributions:
    Dr. Appel has co-founded several companies, such as Appel Sauce Studios, Surf Bio, and LaderaTECH, which aim to commercialize innovative technologies developed in his lab. His work on injectable hydrogel depot technology and wildfire prevention solutions showcases his ability to translate cutting-edge research into practical, impactful applications.
  3. Recognition and Awards:
    Dr. Appel has received numerous prestigious awards and fellowships, including the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering Fellowship, Biomaterials Science Lectureship Award, and the IUPAC Hanwha-TotalEnergies Young Polymer Scientist Award. These accolades highlight his outstanding contributions to the scientific community.
  4. Leadership and Mentorship:
    As an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at Stanford University, Dr. Appel has demonstrated strong leadership and a commitment to mentoring the next generation of scientists and engineers. His role in guiding and inspiring young researchers adds significant value to his candidacy.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Broader Collaborative Impact:
    While Dr. Appel has a remarkable track record in founding companies and advancing specific technologies, there could be more emphasis on broader collaborative efforts across different scientific domains. Expanding his collaborative network might enhance his influence on a wider range of research areas.
  2. Public Engagement:
    Although Dr. Appel’s work is highly respected within the academic and scientific communities, increasing his involvement in public science communication could amplify the societal impact of his research. Engaging with a broader audience through public lectures, social media, or popular science publications could further elevate his profile.
  3. Global Research Initiatives:
    Dr. Appel’s research has significant implications for global health and environmental challenges. However, there is an opportunity to engage more directly with international research initiatives and collaborations that address these issues on a global scale, potentially increasing the reach and impact of his work.


✍️Publications Top Note :

1. Saponin Nanoparticle Adjuvants Incorporating Toll-Like Receptor Agonists Drive Distinct Immune Signatures and Potent Vaccine Responses

Authors: Ou, B.S., Baillet, J., Filsinger Interrante, M.V., King, N.P., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Science Advances, 2024, 10(32), eadn7187

Abstract: This article explores the use of saponin nanoparticle adjuvants in vaccines, which incorporate Toll-like receptor agonists to drive unique immune responses, enhancing vaccine efficacy.

2. Biomimetic Non-ergodic Aging by Dynamic-to-covalent Transitions in Physical Hydrogels

Authors: Sen, S., Dong, C., D’Aquino, A.I., Yu, A.C., Appel, E.A.

Journal: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2024, 16(25), 32599–32610

Abstract: The research discusses the development of biomimetic hydrogels that exhibit non-ergodic aging through transitions from dynamic to covalent bonding, which can be used for various biomedical applications.

3. Label-Free Composition Analysis of Supramolecular Polymer-Nanoparticle Hydrogels by Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Coupled with a Charged Aerosol Detector

Authors: Tang, S., Pederson, Z., Meany, E.L., Pellett, J.D., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96(15), 5860–5868

Abstract: This study introduces a label-free method for analyzing the composition of supramolecular polymer-nanoparticle hydrogels, using advanced chromatography techniques.

4. Nanoparticle-Conjugated Toll-Like Receptor 9 Agonists Improve the Potency, Durability, and Breadth of COVID-19 Vaccines

Authors: Ou, B.S., Baillet, J., Picece, V.C.T.M., Lopez Hernandez, H., Appel, E.A.

Journal: ACS Nano, 2024, 18(4), 3214–3233

Abstract: This article highlights the development of nanoparticle-conjugated TLR9 agonists to enhance the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, focusing on improved immune responses.

5. Sticky Gels Designed for Tissue-Healing Therapies and Diagnostics

Authors: Bailey, S.J., Appel, E.A.

Journal: Nature, 2024, 625(7995), 455–457

Abstract: This research presents sticky hydrogels engineered for use in tissue-healing therapies and diagnostics, offering a new approach to medical treatments and assessments.


Dr. Eric Andrew Appel is an exemplary researcher whose interdisciplinary expertise, innovative contributions, and leadership make him a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award. His ability to translate fundamental research into practical applications that address critical societal challenges is particularly noteworthy. While there are opportunities to enhance his global impact and public engagement, his current achievements and potential for future contributions position him as a deserving candidate for this prestigious award.

Gohar Ali | dusty fluid | Best Researcher Award

Mr. City university of information and technology Peshawar Pakistan, Pakistan

The user holds a Master of Science by Research in Applied Mathematics with a focus on fluid dynamics, achieved at the City University of Science Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan, with a remarkable grade of 92%. They also earned an MSc in Mathematics and a BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Peshawar. Their research areas include Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, heat and mass transfer, and nanofluids. With experience as a visiting lecturer and several scholarships and academic accolades, the user is deeply engaged in advanced mathematical research and education.


Professional Profiles:

🎓 Academic 

🧑‍🎓 MS by Research (2020-2022)City University of Science Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan
With a specialization in Applied Mathematics focused on Fluid Dynamics, I completed my MS by Research with an exceptional grade of 92% (A). My research project was centered around a Generalized Magnetohydrodynamic Two-Phase Free Convection Flow of Dusty Casson Fluid between Parallel Plates.🎓 MSc in Mathematics (2015-2018)University of Peshawar, Pakistan
I earned my MSc in Mathematics with a grade of 70.3% (A). My coursework included a variety of mathematical disciplines, providing me with a solid foundation in theoretical and applied mathematics.🎓 BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics (2013-2015)University of Peshawar at FG Degree College for Men, Peshawar, Pakistan
I completed my undergraduate degree with a commendable grade of 72.1% (A). This dual focus on Computer Science and Mathematics equipped me with versatile skills applicable in various fields.

🔬 Research Area

Exact Solutions of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian FluidsHeat and Mass TransferNewtonian HeatingPorous MediaFractional DerivativesNanofluidsNumerical AnalysisMy research primarily explores complex fluid dynamics phenomena, focusing on both theoretical analysis and practical applications in engineering and technology.

📝 Master Thesis

Title: A Generalized Magnetohydrodynamic Two-Phase Free Convection Flow of Dusty Casson Fluid between Parallel Plates
My thesis delved into advanced fluid dynamics, analyzing the behavior of Casson fluids under magnetohydrodynamic forces in a two-phase flow setup.

📚 Courses Studied

Theory of FluidsNumerical Linear AlgebraGraph TheoryIntegral Transforms and Their ApplicationsNumerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential EquationsPerturbation Methods in Fluid DynamicsViscous Fluid-1 & 2Real Analysis 1 & 2Complex AnalysisGeneral TopologyGroup Theory 1 & 2Ordinary Differential EquationPartial Differential EquationDynamicsBio MathematicsThese courses provided a deep dive into both classical and modern mathematical methods, emphasizing their applications in solving real-world problems.

👨‍🏫 Experience

Visiting Lecturer (2019-present)
City University of Science Technology, Pakistan
I have been imparting knowledge and guiding students in advanced mathematical concepts and their applications.Lecturer (2015-2018)
Muslim Education Complex, Dalazak Road, Peshawar
My teaching experience includes delivering lectures on various mathematical subjects and mentoring students to excel in their academic pursuits.

🖥️ Programming Skills

M.s OfficeMathcad 15MathematicaScientific WorkplaceMATLABI am proficient in using advanced software tools for mathematical modeling, simulations, and problem-solving.

🏅 Scholarships & Awards

100% Scholarships: Awarded in all semesters during my MS by Research at CUSIT.1st Class Second Position: Achieved in HSSc examinations.1st Class First Position: Consistently maintained throughout SSc examinations.These accolades highlight my academic dedication and excellence in my field.

Researcher Profile for Best Researcher Award


  • Advanced Research in Fluid Dynamics: With a strong focus on the exact solutions of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, the candidate’s research is at the forefront of applied mathematics, particularly in fluid dynamics. Their MS thesis on “A Generalized Magnetohydrodynamic Two-Phase Free Convection Flow of Dusty Casson Fluid between Parallel Plates” demonstrates a deep understanding of complex fluid behavior under magnetic fields, which is critical for various industrial and environmental applications.
  • Broad Expertise in Mathematical Modeling: The candidate’s expertise spans several key areas, including heat and mass transfer, porous media, fractional derivatives, and nanofluids. This breadth of knowledge is complemented by their skills in numerical analysis and programming tools like MATLAB, Mathematica, and Mathcad, making them well-equipped to tackle complex mathematical problems.
  • Academic Excellence: Consistently achieving high grades throughout their academic career, including a 92% in their MS by Research, showcases their dedication and academic rigor. Their scholarship achievements further highlight their commitment to excellence.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Publication Record: While the candidate has a solid academic background and research focus, increasing the number of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals could further strengthen their profile. This would also enhance their visibility in the academic community.
  • Collaborative Projects: Engaging in more collaborative research projects, both nationally and internationally, could broaden their research impact and network. This might also lead to more diverse research opportunities and funding.


✍️Publications Top Note :

Comparing multiple precipitation products against in-situ observations over different climate regions of Pakistan
W. Ullah, G. Wang, G. Ali, D.F. Tawia Hagan, A.S. Bhatti, D. Lou
Remote Sensing, 11(6), 628, 2019.
Citations: 85

Evaluation of GPM-IMERG and TRMM-3B42 precipitation products over Pakistan
M. Arshad, X. Ma, J. Yin, W. Ullah, G. Ali, S. Ullah, M. Liu, M. Shahzaman, …
Atmospheric Research, 249, 105341, 2021.
Citations: 82

Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme monsoon precipitation in Pakistan during 1981–2018
W. Ullah, G. Wang, D. Lou, S. Ullah, A.S. Bhatti, S. Ullah, A. Karim, D.F.T. Hagan, …
Atmospheric Research, 253, 105489, 2021.
Citations: 81

Statistical downscaling and future scenario generation of temperatures for Pakistan Region
D.H. Kazmi, J. Li, G. Rasul, J. Tong, G. Ali, S.B. Cheema, L. Liu, M. Gemmer, …
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 120, 341-350, 2015.
Citations: 65

Evaluation and projection of precipitation in Pakistan using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 model simulations
A. Abbas, S. Ullah, W. Ullah, M. Waseem, X. Dou, C. Zhao, A. Karim, J. Zhu, …
International Journal of Climatology, 6665-6684, 2022.
Citations: 51

Spatiotemporal trends of aerosols over urban regions in Pakistan and their possible links to meteorological parameters
G. Ali, Y. Bao, W. Ullah, S. Ullah, Q. Guan, X. Liu, L. Li, Y. Lei, G. Li, J. Ma
Atmosphere, 11(3), 306, 2020.
Citations: 46

Evaluation of CMIP5 models and projected changes in temperatures over South Asia under global warming of 1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C
S. Ullah, Q. You, Y. Zhang, A.S. Bhatti, W. Ullah, D.F.T. Hagan, A. Ali, G. Ali, …
Atmospheric Research, 246, 105122, 2020.
Citations: 42

A comparison of minimum temperature trends with model projections
S.B. Cheema, G. Rasul, G. Ali, D.H. Kazmi
Pakistan Journal of Meteorology, 8(15), 39-52, 2011.
Citations: 40

Projection of precipitation extremes over South Asia from CMIP6 GCMs
A. Abbas, A.S. Bhatti, S. Ullah, W. Ullah, M. Waseem, C. Zhao, X. Dou, G. Ali
Journal of Arid Land, 15(3), 274-296, 2023.
Citations: 32

Assessing the impact of Chinese FY-3/MERSI AOD data assimilation on air quality forecasts: Sand dust events in northeast China
Y. Bao, L. Zhu, Q. Guan, Y. Guan, Q. Lu, G.P. Petropoulos, H. Che, G. Ali, …
Atmospheric Environment, 205, 78-89, 2019.
Citations: 20


The candidate possesses a robust foundation in fluid dynamics and applied mathematics, with a proven track record of academic excellence and a focus on cutting-edge research topics. Their skills in numerical analysis and experience in teaching further complement their research abilities, making them a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award. With continued focus on publishing and collaborative efforts, their potential for future contributions to the field is significant.

Dr. Jie Jian | Fuctional materials | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jie Jian | Fuctional materials | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jie Jian , Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Dr. Jie Jian is a distinguished PostDoc in Materials Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, specializing in photoelectrodes and photocatalysts. With expertise in nanomaterial synthesis and advanced film processing technologies, Dr. Jian has significantly contributed to the field through innovative research and optimization strategies. His academic journey includes a PhD and M.S. from NPU, focusing on BiVO4-nanocrystals and SiC ceramic composites, respectively, and a B.S. from Chongqing University. Dr. Jian has also gained industry experience as an engineer at Samsung Semiconductor. His work is characterized by a profound understanding of material characterization and software proficiency.


Professional Profiles:

Google Scholar


🌟 Technical-Scientific Skills 🌟

Mastering Preparation, Testing, and Characterization of photoelectrodes (photoanodes and photocathodes) and photocatalysts, proposing optimization strategies based on photoelectrochemical principles.Expert in Synthesis of Nanomaterials using pulsed laser irradiation in liquid and wet-chemical methods, and proficient in the design, synthesis, and functional exploration of porous materials.Film Processing Technologies: Skilled in spin coating, dip coating, chemical baths, electrodeposition, magnetron sputtering, and ALD.Material Characterization: Proficient in TEM, SEM, AFM, Raman, BET, UV-vis, XPS, XRD, FTIR.Software Proficiency: Photoshop, 3D-Max, Origin, Endnote, VESTA, Gatan, CAD, ChemDraw, Athena.

📚 Academic Education and Career 📚

PostDoc in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Hongqiang Wang
Project: In-situ Embedding Nanocrystals/Clusters in Porous Materials for Efficient Photo(electro)catalysis09/2016-03/2023
PhD in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Hongqiang Wang
Thesis Title: Laser Derived Films of BiVO4-Nanocrystals for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting04/2015-08/2016
Engineer, Samsung (China) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Xi’an, China (SCS)
Task: Process controlling and equipment monitoring during chemical vapor deposition.09/2012-03/2015
M.S. in Materials Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Supervisor: Prof. Laifei Cheng
Thesis Title: Strengthening and Toughening of Laminated (SiCp+SiCw)/SiC Ceramic Composites09/2008-07/2012
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University (CQU)
Supervisor: Prof. Baifeng Luan
Thesis Title: Study on deformation structure and texture of pure zirconium with large grain size rolled at liquid nitrogen temperature
GPA: 3.55/4
Ranking: 3/72

📖 Publications Top Note :

Embedding Laser-Generated Nanocrystals in BiVO4 Photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
J Jian, Y Xu, X Yang, W Liu, M Fu, H Yu, F Xu, F Feng, L Jia, D Friedrich, …
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2609 (2019)
Citations: 160

Recent Advances in Rational Engineering of Multinary Semiconductors for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation
J Jian, G Jiang, R van de Krol, B Wei, H Wang
Nano Energy 51, 457-480 (2018)
Citations: 160

Black BiVO4: Size Tailored Synthesis, Rich Oxygen Vacancies, and Sodium Storage Performance
X Xu, Y Xu, F Xu, G Jiang, J Jian, H Yu, E Zhang, D Shchukin, S Kaskel, …
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (4), 1636-1645 (2020)
Citations: 67

Porous CuBi2O4 Photocathodes with Rationally Engineered Morphology and Composition Towards High-Efficiency Photoelectrochemical Performance
Y Xu, J Jian, F Li, W Liu, L Jia, H Wang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (38), 21997-22004 (2019)
Citations: 61

Ordered Porous BiVO4 Based Gas Sensors with High Selectivity and Fast-Response Towards H2S
C Li, X Qiao, J Jian, F Feng, H Wang, L Jia
Chemical Engineering Journal 375, 121924 (2019)
Citations: 59

Assoc Prof Dr. Yves Mbono Samba | Structural dynamics | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Yves Mbono Samba | Structural dynamics | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Yves Mbono Samba, University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon

Assoc Prof Dr. Yves Mbono Samba is academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a PhD in Bio systems Engineering from Kangwon National University, South Korea. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.


Professional Profiles:



Doctorate in Mechanics, University of Paris 6 (June 1995)Diploma of Advanced Studies in Mechanics, University of Paris 6 (June 1991)Maîtrise (bachelor’s degree) in Mechanics, University of Paris 6 (September 1990)Degree in Physics, University of Paris Sud (June 1988)Diploma of General University Studies, Université Paris Sud (June 1986)


Lecturer at University of Yaoundé 1 (since 1995)

Academic Achievements:

I have been actively involved in teaching, research, and student project supervision, guiding 7 PhD and 15 Master’s degree students over the years. My academic journey has been enriched by numerous publications and contributions to the field of mechanics.

1. Vortex Waves in Fluid–Structure Interaction with High Froude Number and a Damped Structure
Simo Kaptue, H., Ngou Zeufo, L., Mbono Samba, Y., Kofané, T.C.
Ocean Engineering, 2024, 306, 117946

2. Theoretical Analysis of Non-linear Dynamic Response of a Bridge Pier Under Two-phase Flow Excitation
Ngou, L.Z., Simo, H.K., Lekama, B.K., Fewo, S.I., Mbono Samba, Y.C.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2023, 37(11), pp. 5683–5693

3. Examining Capillary Dynamics in Rectangular and Circular Conduits Subject to Unsteady Surface Tension
Azese, M.N., Engola, J.J., Hona, J., Yap, E.J., Mbono Samba, Y.C.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 949, A6

4. An Attempt to Study Foundation Anchoring Conditions in Sedimentary Estuaries Using Integrated Methods
Gounou Pokam, B.P., Domra Kana, J., Meli’i, J.L., Mbono Samba, Y.C., Njandjock Nouck, P.
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(14), 7175

5. On the Existence and Determination of the Incompressible Laminar Flow Located in the Polar Plane of a Porous Annular Pipe
Makon, N.R., Ngo Nyobe, E., Lamara, M., Mbono Samba, Y.C., Pemha, E.
Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2022, 61(4), pp. 2637–2650

6. Effects of an External Constant Pressure Gradient on a Steady Incompressible Laminar Flow Through a Semi-porous Annular Pipe
Mbogba, G.L., Ngo Nyobe, E., Lamara, M., Mbono Samba, Y.C., Pemha, E.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung – Section A Journal of Physical Sciences, 2022, 77(2), pp. 131–141

7. Dynamic Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Flexible Multibody Systems
Mbono Samba, Y.C., Pascal, M.
Mechanics of Structures and Machines, 2001, 29(3), pp. 295–316