Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrRameshGuptaShiv Nadar Institute of EminenceIndiaComputational mechanicsBest Research Award
DrValentinHellerUniversity of NottinghamUnited KingdomCoastal EngineeringOutstanding Scientist Award
ProfBadamNiaziNangarhar UniversityAfghanistanHuman computer interactionBest Researcher Award
MrRiaz AhmadZiarKardan UniversityAfghanistanData Science and BlockchainBest Researcher Award
ProfKamelGHOUILEMUniversité de Tizi - OuzouAlgeriaMatériaux et ModélisationBest Paper Award
DrAliBelhocineDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sciences and the Technology of Oran , L.P 1505 El -Mnaouer, USTO 31000 Oran ,AlgeriaAlgeriamathématiques et méthodes numériquesBest Scholar Award
ProfAkram Salah EddineBELAIDIUniversité Amar Telidji LaghouatAlgeriaRhéologie des matériaux cimentairesBest Researcher Award
DrBadreddineSbartaiBadji Mokhtar-Annaba UniversityAlgeriaMechanics of Functional Materials and Structures.Best Researcher Award
DrInsafTouCentre de deloppement des Energies renouvelablesAlgeriabiologie, microbiologie, microbial fuel cell; biofilm electroactifWomen Researcher Award
ProfMOHAMMEDEZZIANELaboratoire de matériaux (LABMAT), Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d’Oran Maurice-AudinAlgeriaComportement au feu des matériaux fibrésBest Researcher Award
ProfLotfiBelkhiriMentouri University of ConstantineAlgeriaChimie Théorique & ComputationnelleExcellence in Research
MrHassanMessaoudiLaboratory of Informatics and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Souk-Ahras, P.O. Box 1553, Souk-Ahras, 41000, Algeria.AlgeriaMathématiques AppliquéesBest Researcher Award
ProfZakariaBoumerzougUniversity of BiskraAlgeriaWelding of metallic materialsBest Researcher Award
DrKarimBenheniaBiotechnology research centerAlgeriaBiomatériaux appliqués à la reproductionExcellence in Research
DrKenzaYahiaouiCDTAAlgeriaPHYSIQUE DES PLASMASBest Researcher Award
MrMADANIKouideruniversite djillali liabesAlgeriapatch repair processBest Researcher Award
Prof DrCarolinaAcosta HospitalecheMuseo de La Plata; Universidad Nacional de La PlataArgentinaCiencias de la Tierra- PaleontologíaBest Researcher Award
DrMaria CristinaPerottiUniversidad Nacional del Litoral, CONICETArgentinaAlimentos lácteos fermentados/estructura/ingredientes proteicosExcellence in Research
Prof. DrClaudia GuadalupeAdamInstituto de Química Aplicada del Litoral (IQAL, UNL-CONICET) and Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional del LitoralArgentinanuevos materiales ionicos basdos en la quimica de liquidos ionicosWomen Researcher Award
DrMarceloOzuCONICET-UBAArgentinaAcuaporinas/transporte de aguaMechanics Pioneer Achievement Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
