Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
Prof. DrYufanZhaoNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityChinaAdditive manufacturingYoung Scientist Award
Prof. DrErhanBudakSabancı ÜniversitesiTurkeyMachine ToolsBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrSergioBaragettiUniversity of Bergamo, Bergamo, ItalyItalyMachine Design and Computational Mechanics.Lifetime Achievement Award
Prof. DrWeiZhangFujian University of TechnologyChinaStructural EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrHua-PengChenEast China Jiatong UniversityChinaStructural EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrGuoxiongMeiZhejiang UniversityChinaMarine civil engineering; Underground structuresBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrTengBenZhejiang Normal UniversityChinaporous materials for isotopic separationBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrVadimKrongauzICU Medical, IncUnited StatesPolymer Physical Chemistry, KineticsBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrYanShiLanzhou University of TechnologyChinaSeismic response sprectraBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrBing-YuhLuGuangdong University of Petrochemical TechnologyChinaSun-tracking solar cellsAcademic Achiever in Materials Mechanics Award
Prof. DrClaudia GuadalupeAdamInstituto de Química Aplicada del Litoral (IQAL, UNL-CONICET) and Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Nacional del LitoralArgentinanuevos materiales ionicos basdos en la quimica de liquidos ionicosWomen Researcher Award
Prof. DrStephanieWillerthUniversity of VictoriaCanadaBioprintingBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrJae-DoNamSungkyunkwan UniversitySouth KoreaFunctional polymer compositesBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrHuajunSunHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyChinaNeuromorphic devices;Biomimetic devices;Computational Neural Dynamics;Intelligent chipBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrKaiJinGenetic Engineering Research Center, School of Life Sciences, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, PR ChinaChinaEntomopathogenic Fungi for Biological Pest ControlBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrLiuyingyingSchool of Intelligent Science and Information EngineeringChinaTransportationBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrAliDerakhshanGolestan UniversityIranArtificial IntelligenceBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrRakeshAfreZeal College of Engineering and Research, PuneIndiaNanotechnologyExcellence in Research
Prof. DrL.XDuNortheastern UniversityChinamedium and heavy platesBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrChanghongYangShandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Preparation and Measurement of Building Materials University of JinanChinapiezieletric and ferroelectric materialsBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
